Friday, July 1, 2011

Economics is like nutrition, we need to cut the fat

Economics like nutrition is not that hard to figure out. You just have to have the will to follow through with it. Unfortunately we have elected leaders who just don’t get it. They know so much about what isn’t true.

We spent $ 3.2 trillion in a little over 2 years. We don’t even know where the money went as the house of representatives is stonewalling. As your Congressman, I will work so that the Balanced Budget is not just a political sound bite, but the law of the land. 49 states have balanced budget amendments.

Californians want specific proposals that will balance the budget. Neither candidate in the July 12, 2011 election for my district offer the electorate any specifics. Only I offer such a comprehensive plan at eliminating waste. My plan includes changes to ethanol, entitlements, government employees, Post office, the government printing office, Amtrak, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and reforming Wall Street.
California needs a Congressman that has some common sense. Stand with me! I am Andrew McLaren!

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